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I’m Lou, a certified Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach, who likes to keep things simple, because life is complicated enough.

I help busy women create healthy habits for more strength, energy and confidence, as they ride the waves of life

Create positive habits that last with the free monthly habit tracker


Fed up of yo-yo dieting?

Stop the energy draining war with food, it doesn't need to be so hard!

Learn how to change your habits and mindset around what and how you eat and start nourishing your body for life.

It’s about kind love, not tough love!

The great thing about Lou is that she has a fantastic holistic approach. She truly works with body and mind.
— Maria

The Six Anchor System

Find out what the 6 most important anchors for our wellbeing are. When these anchors are looked after we're able to maintain positive energy and stay in good health whatever stormy seas life throws us.
Lou breaks things down into small, manageable steps. These, along with her unique brand of kind, gentle, supportive encouragement and guidance has resulted in huge changes for me. I am delighted to say that I now regularly receive compliments about how well, calm and happy I seem.
— Teresa

Meet your Coach,

Lou Critchlow

Hello! I’m a certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Advisor & Wellness Coach. I help busy women to make small, sustainable, positive changes in their life for more strength, energy (in body and mind) and self confidence. I do this through 1:1 training and coaching, as well as online programmes.

I’m a lover of early mornings, long walks, vegetables of every kind, good coffee, being in the sea all year round, cliff runs and dark chocolate.

I don’t believe in lots of rules and restrictions when it comes to our wellbeing, life’s too short and we all know those quick fixes don’t work for long. So if you’re fed up of always starting again on Monday, let’s simplify things and find out what’s really holding you back, so you can finally start living the life you love.

After a lifetime of dieting, guilt and yo-yoing with my weight, I was so confused. This programme has changed the way I think, thank you.
— Jeanette

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